
Sat, 10/22/2022 - 00:21

Christian Horse-lover's Club Inc. is a 501(c)3 religious non-profit organization that aims to help and disciple youth and other new or hurting believers or unbelievers.  We are setting up a CHC Inc. table at different venues so we can tell Christian horse owners about starting a CHC Inc. club in their area.  In the near future we hope to travel to different horse fairs, rodeos and Christian meetings across the country. 

Our hope and prayers are to find Christian horse people with a desire to start a CHC Inc. club and help youth people.  We help new CHC Inc. clubs to start; to disciple people for Jesus and grow in the knowledge of His Holy Word.  And learn about horses too!

CHC Inc. WISH LIST: A new printer with less expensive ink and it colates.   A donation of money to put our CHC Inc. name, logo and information on the CHC Inc. trailer (my husband modified for me) to advertise CHC Inc. when we travel to different Christian church semenars or horse fairs or rodeos to set up a table and share with Christian horse owners, telling them about starting a CHC Inc. club in their area. 


01/01/2021 TO 12/16/2021:                                                                                                                                                         Net Profit: $   945.00         

If you would like to help us with a donation to help us start more CHC Inc. clubs or even support us on a monthly basis.  We need help to grow CHC Inc. clubs and would greatly appreciate any help you can give! 

WE are abler to take DONATIONS through PayPal at this time, SEE BELOW

 If you wish to donate any amount or want to support us monthly or have an item to donate from our    CHC Inc.  Wish List, we ask you to please contact us.  We will give you the CHC Inc. address.                

You can also find us on Facebook, just search our name

Or call us at: 1-262-374-4171

We closely monitor our FaceBook page to keep it family friendly.