Sat, 10/22/2022 - 01:00
Frequently Asked Questions
What does CHC Inc. stand for? CHC stands for Christian Horse-lover’s Club Incorporated.
What is CHC Inc.? Christian is the first emphasis in our club, we study the Bible. Next is Horse-lover's, a gathering of people who love horses! CHC combines a love for God and for horses in a curriculum that teaches about both; such as God’s unfailing love, Jesus, the Good Shepherd cares for His own, how to care for horses, how horses communicate, etc... The Devotions aim to teach Christian principles in practical ways for everyday life and for life with horses. To learn more go to About CHC.
What do you do at CHClub meetings? Meetings usually begin with a prayer time when the club members and leader share prayer requests and praise reports. This sets the tone for the rest of the meeting and helps students and leaders get in alignment with God’s Spirit. After praying, we often do a Devotion and discuss issues that come up, relating to God, horses, and their lives. Depending on the Unit, we may have a praise time and sing songs or watch parts of videos on horse training or creation science, do interactive activities like role playing. Since scripture memorization is a big part of the requirements, some times we do scripture memory games to help them along. Members are taught to apply lessons learned to everyday life.
Some meetings we will work on some horse activities since most of the units have hands on horse activities which include: grooming, lunging, horse riding basics, horse safety, horse training exercises, horse-keeping which includes repairing fences, and yes, even shoveling manure! Each unit has a different emphasis. We try to set up informative and fun field trips with most of the units.
CHECK OUT the past CHClub activities of CHClub #1 in Whitewater, WI SOON when CHClub #1 starts up in Mackay, ID we will post our activites on the Home Page!
What is required to become a chartered club? You will need to be a sincere Christian Believer with: horse experience, at least one gentle people-loving horse or access to one, and a heart that desires to reach the lost and teach new Believers from the Bible. In order to be a chartered CHC Inc. club we ask each person interested to go through the application process to be approved by the CHC board. This process can begin when you download the Leadership Application at the bottom of the About CHC page. You need to fill it out as honestly as you can and return it with your references. It asks questions about; you, your Christian testimony, your ministry or volunteer experience, your experience with horses and about the horse(s) you plan to use for your CHClub. References and letters of recommendation are also required and a background check will be done. This is one way the CHC Inc. board can try to uphold the integrity and safety of the clubs offered to the public. We desire to have CHClubs that will have true Christian leaders with a sincere desire to lead people to a real relationship with Jesus and disciple people to grow in Christ; AND Christian leaders with good reputations of practicing safe horsemanship, who use safe ground work, correct riding skills and have good common “horse sense”. We hope that you will enjoy writing about your relationship with the LORD and telling us about your horse(s)! All your personal information will be kept private, unless we receive permission from you to share something. (ie. a special testimony). Do not feel discouraged if you think you may not have enough special horse or ministry credentials; they are not necessary to start a chartered CHC Inc. club. NEXT: The CHC Inc. board will review your application when approved they will need to do a background check. Once that is also cleared, you are an approved CHClub leader.
What is it going to cost me to become a Chartered CHClub? Your personal financial cost for starting a CHClub: You will need to download, complete and send in: The CHC Leadership Application with $ 10.00. After you have been approved by the CHC board, you will need the CHC Starter Packet which is $15.00 plus $3.00 postage. You will need all of the CHC curriculum Answer Keys for each unit.
For a chartered CHClub each regular unit costs: $3.00 and each Unit Answer Key is $4.00, plus postage.
An unchartered club each unit costs $5 each for an unchartered CHClub plus postage. (this includes homeschool use)
Each CHC unit used for a; for profit horse camp costs $6 plus postage
In future units there are some small paperback books to be purchased, DVD’s to rent or buy, but these should be purchased by your CHClub funds. Funds from dues, fund raisers or extra money’s donated.
NOTE: Starting a CHClub will involve more than money. It will require an investment of your TIME! Time in prayer! Prayer for God’s leading, for your club meetings and members. Pray about what age group you feel God's leading you to minister to and when would be the best time to meet. Time to fill out the Leadership Application. Time to plan, organize and keep financial records. Time to read through and use the leadership packet. Time to read and study each lesson, time to read and study your Bible. Time for club meetings and fun field trips with your group. But running a CHClub is a lot of fun and is definitely worth doing for the glory of the LORD!
What is the advantage to becoming a Chartered CHClub?
• An approved Chartered CHClub will save money for each unit they purchase.
Also by becoming an official Chartered CHC Inc. club you can purchase the CHC Starter Packet which will be a tremendous help as you start your club. It helps you interpret and apply the CHC curriculum, gives you club organizational instructions and records, and you also receive many reproducible forms needed to start and run a CHClub.
• Only Chartered CHClub are eligible to receive CCLI licenced music needed for the CHC Inc. theme song and some other units.
• Most important, is the fact that when parents are looking into their child joining your club they are assured that you have been "checked out" by the CHC Inc. board. A CHC Inc. Chartered Club Certificate indicates that the leader's Christian testimony, horse handling knowledge and references have passed the qualifications of the board of directors of CHC Inc.
• CHC Inc. Chartered Clubs are all a part of the nationwide 501(c) 3 organization, so in the future you will be eligible to attend the CHC Inc. leaders conference.
• Chartered clubs help support the headquarters to continue to get the word out and grow so more youth will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and grow and mature in the faith. It also helps cover the expense of the CCLI music licence.
What is the next step after I am an approved CHC leader? After you are an approved CHClub leader you would need to purchase the CHC Starting packet. At this time it is only $15.00 plus postage. The CHC Starter Packet includes:
1. Leadership Guide Outline
2. Advertisement
3. New member welcome letter:
4. a) CHC member information for a minor.
b) CHC member information for an adult.
5. a) Parental Consent, Release, and Medical Authorization Form for a minor’s participation in Christian Horse-lover’s Club Inc.
b) Consent, Release, and Medical Authorization Form for adults.
6.Weekly attendance Record
7. CHC Unit Record
8. Yearly Registration Record
9. CHC receipt
10. CHC record of donations
11. CHC Yearly report; this is sent in once a year to CHC Inc. headquarters.
12. CHC Horse logo to fit in a 3 ring binder sleeve
13,14,15. Awards; High point 1st & 2nd and Top Attendance
16. Camp out Menu & Team schedule
17,18. Field trip / activity permission slip examples
19. Fill in permission slip
20. CHC Song: "The Great Adventure" by Steven Curtis Chapman
21. Song to help memorize Luke 10:27 "Love the Lord"
22. CHC Inc. Order Form
Pages 2-22 are reproducible for a Chartered CHClub.
Next: Please take the time to read the Leadership Guide, it has information on how to begin.
How can I order the CHC Inc. curriculum or ask you some questions? You may contact us at our email address: -email- Send us an e-mail: chcpres@chlclub.org with any questions or to request an order form. You may call us at; 262-347-4171. Please send an email to: chcpres@chlclub.org
Where is CHC Inc. headquarters located? The first CHClub was located on a 52 acre horse ranch called Hidden Falls Ranch, in Whitewater, Wisconsin for over 20 years, but we have made a move across the country and are now located in Mackay, ID. CHClub #18 continues to be active in Whitewater, WI
When does a CHClub meet? It works best for a CHClub to meet at least once a week. With youth after school is a good time to meet. The Whitewater CHClub meets every Tuesday from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm. Meetings can run longer if working with the horses. An adult or couples CHClub could met in evenings. Other clubs have chosen to meet twice a month and take a Saturday morning to do the CHC Inc. Devotions and horse time. Each leader chooses a time that works best for their shcedule and area.
Do CHC Members need to bring anything to the meetings? Each member brings their Bible and a 2 inch, three ring binder and a quarter (.25) [a dues donation], where a 'horse' tee shirt and sensible shoes to each club meeting.
Is there a fee for being a CHC Member? First you need to find a CHC in your area. Each club will set their own yearly suggested registration/donation fee which covers the curriculum Units, charms and postage costs. It can vary with each club possibly from $50.00 to $60.00 per year. Each club member is asked to donate dues of 25¢ to go towards club expenses, activities and awards ceremony. This will vary in each local club. Often fund-raisers are done to offset expenses and/or CHClub activities.
How are charms earned?
The charms are received after a club member completes the requirements for each unit. These charms are then put on a charm chain, hat or vest, which is earned by finishing the Truth Unit (Introductory Unit). Every club may vary. We recommend that a club should complete about 4 units per year.
For a boys club there may be options of: having a belt that they are able to earn a different stamp for each unit completed OR zipper pulls OR patches on a vest or banner.
The Cost for the units and charms for a Chartered CHClub is:
The CHC Inc. regular Unit is $3.00 each and each Unit Answer Key is $4.00; plus postage.
Most of the charms are........ $3.00 per charm plus postage. Because there are song requirements for some of the Units, to do things right and to be legal each CHClub helps pay for CCLI license. CHC Inc. pays for much of the costs. At this time CHClubs pitch in about $25 per year.
An Unchartered Clubs Cost is:
The CHC Inc. curriculum is $5 per unit plus postage. If you plan to use the CHC Inc Units for a "for profit" camp we ask for $6 per Unit, plus postage which is updated often.
Unchartered clubs will not be eligible to receive any music chord sheets or charms.
The club leader will need to purchase an Answer Key for each unit, which will include the Leader Notes and Outline.
The curriculum is not to be reproduced in anyway.
Can this Christian Horse-lover's Club curriculum be used by home schoolers? This curriculum would work for a home school situation. It could work either in a group or in individual families that have gentle horses or gentle horses available to them. It would be credits in: Bible Study, Physical Education, Animal Science -Biology, Earth Science -Creationism vs Evolution and Ancient History. They do reports, memorization, read the Bible and other books including 2 classics.
How can I help this ministry? By giving a donation directly to the ministry. Or by shopping online using Amazon Smiles Fill in Christian Horse-lover's Club Inc. and this ministry receives anywhere from 3% to 5% which is donated to us from the items you purchase items. Go to the "Donations" page. Thank you for your help!!!